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The unique approach used in this book on the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy is quite exhilarating. At a quick glance, the work may appear to be little more than a pocket book of questions and answers to be followed pedantically. It is indeed much more than that. It is a basic source of well authenticated information about epilepsy for an audience ranging from medical students to experienced epileptologists. Specifically this book is a true campanion to general practitioners or family physicians who are faced with a volley of questions from an epileptic patient. This volume offers a well balanced approach to the effective management of epileptics. It also dwells with the psychological concerns of epilepsy. All those who scan this book will find a well refined practical treatise on the essential elements of the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy.

Doctors and patients alike will in my view find this book of inestimable benefit.

Prof. Testuo Kanno
Professor of Neurosurgery
Fujita Health University


There exists only one kind of human death ; the irreversible loss of capacity of consciousness combined with irreversible loss of capacity of breathlessness ( and hence to sustain a spontaneous beat). All the death in this perspective is of brain stem death. A diagnosis of brain stem death have two implications. The first, pragmatic, was that the heart will inevitably stop within a relatively short period. The second, philosophical, was that quite independently of the cardiac prognosis, an individual with a dead brain stem was already dead (because of irreversible unconsciousness and irreversible apnoea). In the present volume the authors have employed the question and answer approach in describing all aspects of brain death. The book is intended to cover the kind of questions commonly encountered in academic institutions for teaching students, the residents and especially in the intensive care. This book will be of immense use to physicians, neurologists, neurosurgeon, transplantation surgeons of all disciplines. I must congratulate the authors for their sincere effort in summarizing the current literature on brain death.

Prof. Testuo Kanno.
Professor and Chairman,
Department of Neurosurgery,
Fujita Health University,


This Books is About Epilepsy - What a family should know, It has been written in such a manner by answering common questions which arise in ones mind when one thinks about eiplepsy. These are of course the same questions which my patients ask me repeatedly in my outpatient clinic and I am sure all practitioners of all disciplines will definitely encounter these in their day to day practice.


Having qualified with distinction from the International School of Acupuncture, Peoples Republic of China, and practising Acupuncture for over 15 years, especially in painful disorders, this author is uniquely qualified to present the synthesis of his experiences in this classic publication. His excellent clinical results from the underpinnings of this clinical oriented publication.

Dr. K. Gireesh is unique in that he is a physician, neurophysician and neurosurgeon and, at the same time, a consultant specialist in Alternative Medicine, as well. Therefore, he is the model of the futuristic healer of integrated medicines. Dr. K. Gireesh is a man for all seasons, indeed a model healer of the third millennium. In my lifetime, having visited some 133 countries. I am yet to see a doctor who has such unique wide spectrum qualifications, charisma, humanitarianism and clinical sense.

In this book the quintessential thoughts of both western and Chinese concepts of the common painful disorders have been well described and illustrated for the reader to analyse the commonalities and differences.

I most certainly feel that a knowledge of both modern science and traditional ideas are essential for a student of acupuncture in today's scientific milleu. The anatomy and physiology described here is very useful in order to obtain a correct perspective of modern scientific acupuncture. Updating acupuncture as Neuro acupuncture is interesting and timely because acupuncture acts basically by stimulating the nervous and neurohumoral mechanisms of the body.

This book also highlights both the traditional methods of diagnosis as well as the western system of scientific diagnosis. This, again, is very essential for today's students of modern scientific acupuncture practice.

This publication differs from all other acupuncture text books as this is based on modern scientific concepts. The chapter on the scientific basis of acupuncture basis of acupuncture explains the different mechanisms by which it operates. A thorough knowledge of the anatomy f the entire human body is, therefore, extremely essential because one should know what structures through which the needle is penetrating, so that one can avoid complications. A careful perusal of this book clearly shows that the science of acupuncture will continue to blossom in the future among the scientific doctors. With Scientists like this author, who are able to explain acupuncture on a scientific basis, acupuncture will soon enter the portals of mainstream orthodox medicine.

I am sure, that this classic will definitely serve to stimulate the scientists and clinicians to carry out further research in the field of acupuncture. No doubt, this publication of Dr. K. Gireesh will make important strides in that direction in the future practice of acupuncture, to gain not only scientific acceptance but an exponential upsurge of clinical practise, the world over.

Lord Pandit Prof. Dr. Sir Anton Jayasuria
Medicina Alternativa Dean, Open International
University for Complementary Medicine

Chief Consultant, Institute of Acupuncture,, Homoepuncture & Lasertherpay,
Colombo South General Hospital, Kalubowila, Sri Lanka


This Books is About Epilepsy - What a family should know, It has been written in such a manner by answering common questions which arise in ones mind when one thinks about eiplepsy. These are of course the same questions which my patients ask me repeatedly in my outpatient clinic and I am sure all practitioners of all disciplines will definitely encounter these in their day to day practice.

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